Thursday, June 12, 2014

Soil Test

Gardening at Morgan Springs 

Morgan Spring Community Garden is an organic garden in the heart of Bennington, Vermont.  Plots can be rented each spring to gardeners wishing to grow vegetables, herbs, or flowers.

Location:  The Morgan Spring Community Garden (MSCG) is located at the Bennington Recreation Center.  Plots runs along Bradford Street next to the tennis courts.  The Garden consists of 48 plots - , each approximately 120 square feet. 

Plot Fees:  Plots fees are $20, due when application is submitted.

Raised Bed Fees:  Raised bed fees are $10, due when application is submitted.

Deposit Fees:  Deposit fees are equal to half of the plot fees that are required.
Leadership:  MSCG is led by a steering committee comprised of volunteer gardeners.

Volunteer Commitment:  Gardeners are asked to contribute to the garden by volunteering time on activities that support the garden.  In addition to maintaining their own plot, all gardeners are asked to contribute a minimum of 4 hours to garden upkeep over the course of the season.  This may be accomplished by attended a scheduled work party, or working on any number of tasks from the work list kept on site at the garden. 

What is provided: A compost bins, water faucet with hoses, and garden shed. Gardeners must bring their own and are free to store them in the shed at there own risk.

Contact information:  For more information about Morgan Spring Community Garden, please contact Christine at (802) 379-2042 or 

Our 2014 soil test report from the University of Vermont:

It looks like we have to do some amending  at the end of the season.  Our pH is too high, which can be remedied by adding elemental sulfur.  Phosphorus levels are also high, but only time will bring those levels down.  Gardeners, avoid adding more phosphorus-rich fertilizers to your plots.  Phosphorus is the 2nd number on most bags of fertilizer and other amendments.  Everything else looks pretty good.  We will add the sulfur in the fall and see where we stand next spring.