MSCG Steering Teams: Purpose and Organization

Steering Committee acts as the coordinating group for the garden and is responsable for the operations of the garden. The function of the Committee is to develop their annual calendar of events, manage garden business, oversee member compliance and approve all new projects. Since outreach projects enhance and promote our Morgan Spring Community Garden's mission, the Committee reviews and determines which projects will remain active each calendar year. The Committee also is responsible for recognizing outstanding members and for welcoming new gardeners each spring. Steering Committee meetings should be announced to the entire garden with an invitation for anyone to attend. Committee members should be willing to provide general guidance to garden members. 

What follows is a list of Steering Committee positions that should provide ample support to the garden and keep individual workloads manageable. Typically a person who has held one of these positions will then mentor/support new volunteers in that role. Every gardener will be allowed voting power even if they do not hold a committee seat if they are a paid member (have paid plot fees) and are in attendance for the meeting. Garden Committee Members have voting power even if they are not paid members of the garden as they have made a commitment to ensuring that Morgan Springs runs accordingly. 

Schedules meetings throughout the year
Arrange special events
Resolve members garden issues
Handle Town and Police issues and relations
Co-sign Treasurer Checks (Treasurer + One Chair required for each check)
Sends out email updates to the gardeners throughout the growing season

Takes notes and summarizes meeting discussion Shares Team decisions with membership. Extends invitation to members prior to Team meetings

Scholarship Coordinator
Facilitates all aspects of the plot scholarship award(s) and sliding scale rates

Deposits checks in the garden bank account
Writes checks for expenses
Keeps a record of debits and credits
Write checks for the plot coordinator for gardener's deposits in the fall

Internet Coordinator
Monitors and supports garden Blog and Facebook page
Enter and update events online in our Blog events

Fundraiser/Donations Coordinator
Creates and organizes fundraisers and looks for garden grants

Submits press releases about the garden and goes on the radio to 
Promote the garden and it's events
Makes flyers for garden and distribute them

Grounds Coordinator
Keeps tabs on what needs to be done at the garden including
lawn mowing, weed whacking, tilling, turning compost,
weeding the pernial bed and arrange volunteers.
Arrange large delieveries of soil amendments.

Repair water faucet with hoses when leaking or broke, fix fence, 
shed, or compost bins as needed
Set up plots pre-season (measure, mark, and install)

Volunteer Coordinator
Seek out communittee support
Mail request to groups that maybe able to help
Schedules work parties or delegates responsibilities to volunteers

Plot Coordinator
Update forms yearly (pre-season winter)
Answers emails and phone calls from interested gardeners
Sends out forms via email or snail mail to gardeners
Rent and asign plots
Promot sales
Keep a record of all plot holders/members
Returns gardeners’ deposits in the fall

Advocate for Individuals with Disabilities
Be an advisor to the committee to make sure needs of disabiled 
members are being meet.
Work as an advisor on special projects such as building raised beds.
Help promote garden to special interest groups that work with the disabiled. 
In general ensure that the garden is accessable to everybody.

Volunteers are What Makes it Work

Volunteers are the backbone of any organization, and our garden is no exception.  

Whether you work behind the scenes planning projects and ordering seeds, or are out there pulling weeds on a regular basis, the garden and its community thank you!  
Without volunteers, our organization would not be here.

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